18 March, 2009

Creating Public Value Program Panel Review

California Arts Council 03/18/2009 -- LIKHA founder Rudi Soriano panels at the California Arts Council's Creating Public Value Program. Peer review panelists are fellow professional artists and arts administrators representing the various disciplines, cultures and geographic areas of the Creating Public Value program's applicant pool. The panel-review process includes an intense review of the application and support materials for each applicant, based on the program's criteria. The panel's recommendations are presented to the Councilmembers of the California Arts Council for approval, and funding is awarded accordingly.

Through the Creating Public Value program, the California Arts Council seeks to partner with small California arts organizations in rural or under-served communities to implement new or expanded projects that make a positive contribution in these communities by utilizing tools identified as "The Three R's:" Relationships (building partnerships), Relevance (to audiences and community), and Return on Investment (promoting organizations' public value and economic impact to the authorizing environment). Dozens of nonprofit arts organization from throughout the state applied.